White Toenails & White Spots on Toenails, Explained


  1. Victoria

    I love Google information

    1. Yes how we ever lived with out it is beyond me lol

    2. Shie

      I do as well. My husband called the Google University!

  2. Nancy Howard

    I enjoy Google information it’s a God send. Thanks.

  3. Carol

    Soaking your feet for 30m in a solution of 1/3 cup apple cider vinegar, 1/3 cup epsom salts, and 2 cups hot water twice a day will do the trick. Repeat until the fungus is gone. It’s an inexpensive natural home remedy.

    1. Hi Carol, just wondering approximately how long does it take to clear up using this method. Thanks inadvance.

    2. DJ


    3. How long did it take???

      1. Nikki

        It won’t work. Fungus can sometimes be cured with 90 days of antifungal meds but it’s not necessarily going to work. You can try but homeopathic methods will not work. If they do, it probably wasn’t fungus.

  4. I agree with all previous comments.

  5. Apple cider is also an anti fungal and it will surely help kill toe nail fungus.

  6. TishIfYouWish

    Right! 👍🏾

  7. Maureen Juliano

    Thanks for all info on white spots on toenails,time to see my foot doctor

  8. I used Vicks Vapor rub. Sounds funny but placed on toe, covered with bandage over night. The next day, i put a little on the toe and wore sandals. No bandage. Repeat. Two weeks, done!

  9. I enjoyed this information about the white spots. thanks

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