How to Know if Toenail Fungus is Dying: Types & Stages of Toenail Fungus


  1. Kaleb

    Do y’all happens to work with ingrown toenails? That have become infected?

    1. Rocky Mountain Staff

      Yes, we can help. Please schedule an appointment by calling 801-261-1391.

      1. Cathy

        Well I wish you were close to Conyers Georgia cuz I need help bad I’ve had trouble all my life and now the person who always took care of them doesn’t want to do it anymore and I’ve been to three doctors and they don’t want to do it they want to remove my toenail but I know what to do I’m 63 and I know how to do it but I’m also diabetic and I was recently in a wreck I can’t use my arms I just need to ingrown toenails cut out. But someone the other day told me about the Vicks Vapor Rub so that I’m trying that now because I do have the nail fungus in my toenails. Can you recommend somebody in Conyers Georgia? And I’ll be self-pay I don’t have insurance.

        1. Nicole

          Cathy.. you need to get
          Oil of Oregano and empty fingernail polish bottles with the brush in the cap. Both on Amazon. I cured my new toenail fungus & a friends 10 yrs of toenail fungus with straight oil of oregano painted on everyday. Hers took a year to get rid off, mine took 4 months. I researched it a lot before I started & it absolutely works! Whoever sees this, please get a hold of Cathy so she knows there is a way to cure it IF you put the time into it. Probably will feel underneath the nail heat up/it’s working… eventually you’ll see a change.. my friends toenails went red then black while hers fungus was dying off… mine just changed & it took time to grow out. For a couple of weeks, paint oil of oregano on twice a day.. Good luck!!

          1. Louis

            Thanks for the tip re oil of oregano.

        2. Rick

          I’m a little late to this party, but I’m having good luck with an ultraviolet light device uses to dry toenail polish. I do about 15-20 minutes a day, clamped om the troubled toes.

          I haven’t found any data on how long to do it, so I’m continuing until the bad nail has completely grown out.

  2. Janeen Harrison

    Do people who are taking the lamasil actually touch their socks with their hands? Do you wash socks in hot water and bleach? I’m very confused how to proceed with a good regimen, as the Dermatologist here just said I need to have a strong immune system as she does and it won’t effect me. I’m now 64 and this is second round of lamasil.
    I’m using gloves now to put my husband’s socks on and washing socks in hot water and bleach. I don’t like picking anything up off the floor now either. Am I over reacting? I sure could use some guidance here, as I don’t know how reinfection occurred for both of us. Thanks in advance!

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